Mexico City, May 18-21, 2024

We would like to share with you our exciting trip to Mexico City, organized by AICO on the occasion of the fifty-second meeting of the Board of Directors of the Ibero-American Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services.
This event coincided with the celebration of the sesquicentennial anniversary of CANACO CDMX, the oldest Chamber in Latin America, and the ninetieth anniversary of the Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission, CIAC, which added special significance to our participation.

The first evening we enjoyed a fantastic welcome cocktail party, where we were able to begin making valuable connections and prepare for the days ahead.
Our trip continued with a tour of the city, exploring historic sites such as Coyoacán and the Church of San Juan Bautista, followed by a cultural experience at the Coyoacán Market. This was a perfect prelude to what would be an enriching series of events.

We attended the official inauguration with speeches by important dignitaries, some of them being: José de Jesús Rodríguez Cárdenas, Francisco Herrero, Liliana Sánchez, Martí Batres Guadarrama, Miguel Torruco Marqués and Nathalie Desplas. Then focused on crucial topics such as artificial intelligence and disruptive technologies, highlighting a keynote lecture by Frédéric García. We participated in talks on nearshoring and renewable energies, with panelists such as Altagracia Gómez, Carla Medina and Ángel Asensio, who offered valuable perspectives on these emerging sectors. There was also a conservatory on the Ibero-American economic situation with important panelists such as Julián Domínguez, Larry Rubin, Víctor Pavón Villamayor and Vicente Gutiérrez Camposeco.

Advixy, the President of AICO and the Chamber of Commerce of Seville, the Director of the International Area of the Chamber of Commerce of Seville
Advixy accompanied by the different representatives of the Chambers of Commerce in the Canary Islands.

Advixy was present at this event to inform the Ibero-American world about the tax benefits of the Canary Islands, which represent an ideal gateway to expand business to Europe and Africa, and tohighlight how these advantages can facilitate the growth and internationalization of companies.

In addition to the business activities, this trip offered us the opportunity to learn more about the cultural aspects of Mexico and its rich tradition. These moments allowed us not only to better understand the business environment, but also to appreciate the deep cultural heritage that Mexico has to offer. We were also able to enjoy the amazing voice of José de Jesús Rodríguez Cárdenas, who delighted us with his music.

The last day focused on sustainability within the framework of the Agenda two thousand and thirty, with a panel that included several experts such as Ovidio Claros Polanco, Natalio Mario Grinman, Xavier Coronas, Roberto de la Torre, Mónica Conde and Alejandro Gómez Tamez, who referred to the regional economy. The day concluded with a splendid closing dinner, where we had the pleasure of celebrating the bonds forged and the knowledge acquired, framed by these significant anniversaries.

Thank you for following us on this journey and we hope we have inspired you to explore new opportunities across borders!

The Advixy delegate team
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